Friday, April 10, 2015

Boys and Reading

Boys will be boys, as the saying goes.  The books they read in school gives them there respect for books.  If they read the books for school and like them they are more likely to read books out of school.  They would have some respect for books and want to read more.  If the don't gain the respect for books, they fail to develop entry points for books, and run the risk of missing out on a lifetime of ideas and personal growth.

Some also don't have the motivation. They would now rather be outside playing a game, or inside playing a video game, because they are more enjoyable for them instead of reading a book.  If they want to read they they would find time.  Reading is also no fun for them, teachers need to make reading fun, in order for them to want to read more.

1 comment:

  1. I defiantly agree with the fact that boys are being forced to read and that they can find no interest in it either. I also feel that they rather be playing video games or wanting to do something that gives interest to them
