Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Art of Racing in the Rain

I decided to read The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein.  This book was recommended to me by one of my friends. He said I would like, it because I like dogs and cars.  He said that it was a fast and enjoyable read. With those comments about the book, I decided to give it a try.

When I first started reading this book, I thought that it was going to be boring, but I was wrong.  It was a great read, with funny and sad parts.  The point of view from the book is told from a perspective of a dog, named Enzo, which I liked a lot.  The book just had a few boring parts, but they were quick.  Besides that it was a great book, I would give it a 4/5.

Yes, I would highly recommend this book to a friend.  The type of person that would enjoy this novel the most would be a dog lover.  This novel was a great read for me, and would be worth the read to someone else.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Boys and Reading

Boys will be boys, as the saying goes.  The books they read in school gives them there respect for books.  If they read the books for school and like them they are more likely to read books out of school.  They would have some respect for books and want to read more.  If the don't gain the respect for books, they fail to develop entry points for books, and run the risk of missing out on a lifetime of ideas and personal growth.

Some also don't have the motivation. They would now rather be outside playing a game, or inside playing a video game, because they are more enjoyable for them instead of reading a book.  If they want to read they they would find time.  Reading is also no fun for them, teachers need to make reading fun, in order for them to want to read more.

Family Life

Family Life by Akhil Sharma was a novel I didn't expect.  Reading about the author, I learned that he spent over a decade working on this book.  I found this interesting, and thought it would be a good book. The book tells the story of the narrator having his older brother have a accident and get hurt.  He was happy at first cause of this, because his parents would spend more time focusing on him.
This book I felt can get boring at time and could of had a better plot.  Even though this book did not fulfill my expectations, it was a decent book.  

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Books of My Life

1. Favorite Childhood Book: Green Eggs and Ham By Dr. Seuss,
When I was younger, one of my favorite books to read was  Green Eggs and Ham.  It was a book I always enjoyed, along with some of Dr. Seuss other books.  Having Sam I am, and Daniel go back and forth about were he wants the green eggs and ham, as the main point of the book is one to be remembered.  I always remember it as a classic book, that I enjoyed.  

2. Book that Inspired Me: The Death of Ayrton Senna  By Richard Williams

When my dad told me about this book I didn't think much about it at first, but then I realized the main point of it.  The book, The Death of Ayrton Senna is about a legendary Formula One's driver rise to the top.  Senna worked hard every chance he had, to practice to get better at his sport.  It taught me to work hard at something I want to seceded in, and do well in. It was a book I will not forget about, and will always work hard on my goals.

3. Favorite Book that went to Screen: The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins Image result for hunger games

My favorite book that went to screen is The Hunger Games.  It is a good series of books that Collins has made.  In the book, it follows the a 16 year old girl, from District 12, who volunteer for the 74th Hunger Games in place of her sister.  Also from District 12 is a guy, who developed a secret love for the girl prior to the games beginning. The book and the movie do have some differences that change the plot a little bit.  I feel the way the movie was done, was very professional.  The way how acted it out was very well, with the actresses that were chosen.   

4. Favorite Book Read for School: A Walk In The Woods By Bill Bryson 
Front Cover
For summer reading I had to read A Walk In the Woods.  I really liked this book, for what it was about.  It was about Bill Brysons walk on the Appalachian Trail.  The way how he describes a personal experience that I can relate to, I liked it, and found it interesting.  Through his journey, he had some nature talks he wrote about, that were so boring and I had to put the book down.  I was fine with reading it for school, and would recommended it to a hiker.

5. Top Book on my Must Read List: Code By Charles Petzold 

This is probably not a book you would expect someone to read but, I heard good things about it.  Being an App developer, I have started to wonder about the origins of coding and this book describes it.  It talks about the hidden language of computer hardware and software and were they started out.  I am looking forward to reading this book over the summer.Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software