Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Jane Austen Book Club

Recently in my Readers Choice class, we watched The Jane Austen Book Club. I wasn't really a fan of the movie, but I didn't hate it either.  It did a good job showing how a book can change a couples lives, from good to bad.  It also did a good job how they find unexpected wisdom and guidance from reading the books.  It did not like how I knew nothing about the books they were talking about, and I would of like it if they would of explained it more.  I would recommend it to a person that is part of a book club or a person that reads a lot. This is because they should have connections they could make to similar experiences.

I feel as though when life imitates art is something we don't thing or hear about a lot.  I feel sometimes when reading a book I come across a something I would like to do in the future, and get motivation from reading about it to make it happen.  I felt this when reading The death of Ayrton Senna.  This is because I have always had a passion for cars, and racing.  Reading about Senna's career I felt motivated to get into racing cars, or go-Karts, where he started, in the future.

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